practice self care

you are valid, incredibly loved and intelligent. i hope everyone has a wonderful day.

self care is a very important part of improving your mood, especially if you’ve been really anxious and or stressed.

some self care practices could be

  • having a bubble bath
  • buying new bath products for example -bath bombs, powders or scrubs
  • reading books from library’s
  • buying new books
  • reading books in the bath! i have found this to be very relaxing ‘n’ calming, especially when it’s poetry books which are my favourite
  • writing. writing on your blog, writing poems, writing stories or novels etc.
  • meditating and or grounding yourself
  • lighting candles/incense
  • praying
  • taking a nap
  • going out with old friends and catching up, going out with good friends, going out with family
  • listening to music
  • dancing -like no ones watching-
  • singing -like no ones listening-
  • tell someone you love them
  • last but very importantly, ask people for help if you need help. wether that be with a school project, mental health etc. just reach out

we’re never alone in our struggles, owning our truths and sharing our stories is what will free us -alex elle